Expert for Long Reins and Work in Hand
Saskia Gunzer

Saskia Gunzer has a multifaceted equestrian education, focusing on training horses in long reins and in hand, as well as teaching tricks.
A Multifaceted Equestrian Education
For many years Saskia Gunzer has been training individual horses and riders. Her focus is clear: the work in long reins and in hand as well as training tricks.
Saskia grew up with horses and over the years has learned many of the factettes of riding. It has always been important to her to have an open mind as she observed different training and riding methods worldwide. This is how she was led from her desire to learn more about western riding, to groundwork through to classical riding. In order to get the best out of horses she searched for what she found to be the positive aspects of various methods, always questioned her methods, and continued to steadily develop.
The Horse That Made a Difference
When one thinks of Saskia Gunzer, her little Arabian, Dimitri, comes to mind. He came to her as a 4-year-old, already having had four previous owners. He was considered inattentive and out of control. A harmonic relationship with someone was not looking good for him. Over the years with a lot of patience, consistency, and quiet persistence he has become a reliable, happy, and self-confident partner.
After some unfortunate circumstances, Dimitri couldn’t be ridden for a long time and it was then that Saskia Gunzer thought of working him in long reins. As at that time there wasn’t a lot of information available on how to do this she did most of it simply by trying. Later she had help from Richard Hinrichs and today she has regular help from Andreas Hausberger (Head Rider of the Spanish Riding School).
In the meantime, Dimitri knows the entire program in long reins and impresses audiences during displays.
Courses from
Saskia Gunzer

Teaching Your Horse the Spanish Walk