Famous Founder of the Tellington-TTouch Method
Linda Tellington-Jones

Linda Tellington-Jones is the founder of the worldwide renowned Tellington TTouch Method, which is successfully applied to animals and humans, and she has made significant contributions to the horse world for over five decades.
Founder of the Worldwide Renowned Tellington TTouch Method
Linda Tellington-Jones is a world-famous horse expert. With her innovations, she has significantly contributed to the horse world for more than five decades. But not only the horse scene profits from Linda's ideas: The Tellington TTouch Method is just as successfully applied to domestic, wild, and zoo animals as well as humans.
Linda Tellington-Jones has published over 20 books and 10 educational films in 15 different languages over the years. There are over 1,700 certified Tellington-TTouch trainers for horses, dogs, and people in 27 countries who use and teach the methods.
In 2008, Linda Tellington-Jones received an honorary doctorate from Wisdom University in California for her services. Linda Tellington-Jones lives with her husband, Roland Kleger, in Hawaii and still teaches TTouch worldwide.
Her Educational Journey Before the Circular Touches
Linda Tellington-Jones was born in Canada in 1937. She grew up in a large family and with many animals. As a child, she rode to school every day and became an instructor in a local riding school at the age of 13. She has trained horses and successfully participated in countless equestrian tournaments ranging from endurance to showjumping. In the 1960s she and her then-husband, Wentworth Tellington, founded the international breeding and training center "Pacific Coast Equestrian Research Center and School" in Badger, California. Here she wrote her first book about the use of massage and physiotherapy on horses. In the following year, she took part in many endurance races and in 1975 at the EQUITANA, the equestrian sports world fair in Essen, Germany she presented riding with a neck ring, a sensation at the time.
In 1975 Linda began her 4-year long training as a Feldenkrais teacher at the "Institute of Humanistic Psychology" in San Francisco. At the same time, she began to develop the Tellington Method for horses. In Germany, she published the book "How to educate your horse" together with icon Ursula Bruns, which has become a classic among guidebooks for horses.
In 1983 she invented the famous circular touches, called Tellington TTouch. She holds lectures at veterinary congresses in Europe and in the USA. In 1987 a research project on the effect of TTouch on the brain waves in humans was started, marking a breakthrough for her method. Meanwhile, the first seminars on TTouch for humans take place.
Since then several EEG (Electroencephalography) studies have proven the positive effect of Tellington-TTouches on the brain function of humans and animals. In 2007, Linda Tellington-Jones was inducted into the US "Massage Hall of Fame".
TTouches for Deeper Relationships Between Horses & Humans
"Treat your horse the way you would like to be treated yourself."
Calmness, patience and empathy are fundamentals in Linda’s philosophy. This is the only way to assess the needs and potential fear of each horse. The TTouch method encourages the horse to willingly cooperate with the human and increase his ability to learn and willingness to perform.
With her various TTouches she wants to help people achieve more trusting relationships with their horses. The horse learns that its flight and fighting instincts are not necessary in all situations. On his side, the handler learns how to better communicate with the horse using various touches, signals, as well as his body language. Trust and lasting relationships are the results of learning success from both sides.
Courses from
Linda Tellington-Jones

Deepen the Connection with Your Horse - In & Out of the Saddle